
Pleasington Golf Club Limited

Sat 18
Sun 19
Mon 20

Course Status

Pleasington Golf Club: Course Open, Winter wheels compulsory, No Buggies, Mats on closely mown area's, Bunker lift rake and place. Hole 4 13 and 17 are on temporary greens. Halfway house code 1891#

Winter Driving Range

Thursday 21st October 2021


Congratulations Trevor Foster

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Trevor tees it up this week alongside some of the game's greatest players in the Rolex Senior Open at Sunningdale

Good2Great at Pleasington

Monday 7th December 2020

If you've not yet seen the email detailing our future plans, click here to read it now

Important Information and Advice for Members

Advice for Members – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear Members,

Although we are in unprecedented times, in line with current Government thinking, we will be keeping the course open and will continue to operate as normally as possible. One of the key messages we continue to receive from the Government and Health Agencies is that exercise and fresh air is fundamental to the well-being of all and provides brilliant mental stimulation, if it is done safely.

We would like to assure you that the Health and Safety and Well-Being of all our Members, Staff and Visitors is our Number One priority and that we will continue to practice and implement the absolute highest standards possible at our Club.

In line with advice issued by England Golf and the wider golfing community and clubs, we are implementing the following guidelines/actions with immediate effect:

Golf Course

The Golf Course will remain open, it gives fresh air, exercise and respite

Rakes have been removed from Bunkers – Treat as GUR

Ball scoops have been removed

The airlines for cleaning shoes have been switched off and now closed

Pin to remain in the Hole always, the cup has been upturned so the ball will rest just below the hole. Please still remove the ball with utmost care; we are exploring options to reduce the risk here

Please do not use on course ball washers

Only pick up your own ball and tees

Do not share equipment

Keep your distance – 2 metres apart

All golfers to wash their hands before and after play

No shaking hands or other embracing before, during or after the game

Competitions to continue as normal (further details will be available in the Professional Shop prior to competition)

Enjoy your game

Keep smiling

Green Staff

Removal of flags from putting green

Green staff will sanitise bottom of flags and hole cups daily

Green staff working patterns adjusted to minimise any possible future viral transfer across the team


Cleaning enhanced across the site

Potential mass gatherings in club house to be avoided and people to keep in small groups with social distancing. There will be extra spacing between tables and chairs.


Will remain open for those that choose to use it

Cash free environment, contactless payments only

Professional Shop

Remain Open – Business as usual

No more than 4 Members in at any one time


Will remain working, but access to Office will be stopped to protect staff

Will be working behind closed doors please telephone or email

Email: or

Telephone: 01254 202177 – Option 1

Payment of Subs can be made by card, IG and BACS payments only. Bank details are Sort Code 20-09-72 Account No 40636029. If paying on-line, please use the Members name as the reference.

Experts believe that the goal right now is to avoid crowds and gatherings and maintain at least 2 metres distance from others around us. By continuing to follow these guidelines we can continue to play golf because of its isolated nature and fantastic health benefits assisting with every day stress by being outdoors, which has been proven to play a major part in boosting one’s immune system (summer is also on its way).

There is no doubt that many businesses will face a period of uncertainty. It is important to remember that this period will pass and we as Pleasington Golf Club are confident that we can get through this, but we do need the support of all our Members and Staff to get us through this difficult time. So please do all you can to help.

The Board & Office are working hard behind the scenes, ensuring policies are in place and there are effective contingency plans. We will try and communicate as effectively as possible, but as this is a fluid situation please forgive us if we are sending a higher than normal amount of emails to try and keep everyone up to date. A further communication regarding the EGM which is next Tuesday at 7pm will be sent out by Friday.

The course is closed for maintenance for most of next week with lots of focus on the greens and filling the new bunkers. There is much to do on the course especially divotting and tree pulling, and we will write out by Friday with how you can help with this vital work, and any other tasks in a safe manner.

We are indeed fortunate to all love a game that we can still play during these difficult times and to do it in such a beautiful setting as Pleasington. Let us all pull together, follow the guidelines, stay safe and above all enjoy your golf!

Yours sincerely

Peter Bedford

Vice Chairman

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